Sunday, July 25, 2010

Come Run with Me

I've put a lot of thought into how to redirect my efforts with this journal as there are so many things I want to say and share with the hope of planting the seed of possibility in each of you.  Not necessarily to run a marathon, but to make the conscious decision each day to make yourself better in some small way.  Little changes add up to make big differences, and we're all capable of doing so much more than we allow ourselves to believe.

It's been just over a year since my own transformation began, an awakening from a long period of dark unhappiness and moving through each day as a set of motions lacking emotion, merely existing and no longer really living.  The causes are my own personal issues to work through, but so many of us carry around our own versions of the struggles that weigh so much on our minds and bodies; I believe a lot of us end up in some variation of this state of existence.  While I still have a long way to go, I have come so far and I am excited for the life I am rebuilding, for each new friend and adventure and experience.  Those who hear of my endless list of activities wonder where I get the energy, but after spending so much time doing nothing I crave to do as much as I can, to get out and make the most of each day, and the results are reflected in my improved attitude and, more noticeably, in my smaller size.  The difference is so dramatic that it's the first thing friends notice when they see me, and their compliments help keep me motivated to continue. I surround myself with encouragement, and plan to keep propelling that motivation towards the people in my life that need a little push to do something more in their lives to make each day a little better and brighter.

So come run with me, in whatever fashion suits you best.  I know you can do it!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Ok, girl, I've got my running shoes on...let's go!!!
